
Now more than ever, organisations need to make the best strategic decisions to ensure survival and deliver maximum impact to their intended beneficiaries.

What is Portfolio?

The provision of on demand expert Finance, Change and Executive professionals to deliver bespoke projects, advisory and interim support to charitable organisations looking to make the right strategic choices post Covid-19.

How does Portfolio work?

Combining our executive search track record with our network of experienced charities finance and change professionals, we offer a quick, effective, and flexible resourcing solution. This can range from introducing paid expert consultants to connecting those willing to work pro bono, free of charge.

When should we use Portfolio?

Please contact us via portfolio@ivyrockpartners.com to discuss how we could provide support when there is a need for external review/advisory on:

  • Organisational health, cashflow and diagnostic review
  • Financial and strategic change
  • Strategic projects and process improvement

This translates into 2 different types of assignment:

  1. Project delivery – hiring external council on a set piece of work that you lack internal skills to take on/prefer a 3rd party expert view for
  2. Advisory/NED – securing external council on an ongoing and periodical capacity

Case Studies

Case Study One

A royal chartered charity sought external support to review: reserves, financial plans and investment ToRs; Ivy Rock Portfolio provided a selection of experienced Directors of Finance from the charity sector, organising 3 interviews and all 3 candidates being deemed ‘appointable’ by the Trustee they met with. The successful candidate was an experienced Finance Director, boasting an impressive career in both ftse business and more recently the charity sector, delivering a similar project for another royal chartered charity.

Case Study Two

A large international charity sought external support in the form of an Independent Financial Advisor to The Board of Trustees; Ivy Rock Portfolio took a detailed briefing from the Chair and provided a strong selection of international charity finance experts within one week, resulting in an exceptional Advisor being appointed to the charity and able to join an imminent Board meeting.

Case Study Three

One of the large cultural venues in Central London required interim cover for Deputy/Director of Finance level and needed someone with transformation and change expertise, ideally with an Estates strategy track record; Ivy Rock provided a selection of 3 extremely relevant candidates with the successfully appointed person being extended well beyond her original duration as a result of the value she added during a period of steep change.

Board Advisor

Chris Kelly, COO – The Queen’s Commonwealth Trust

Currently the Chief Operating Officer of The Queen’s Commonwealth Trust, Chris is a chartered accountant with over 15 years ‘Big 4’ consultancy experience. Chris trained at PWC and advised a public sector client base before transitioning to KPMG East Africa where he was a Director for 7 years, building an international development pan-African risk management and organisational development practice, initially based in Kenya before expanding to work across the region. Having known Chris for a number of years now, we know just how lucky we are to have his council on how best to ensure Ivy Rock Portfolio is structured to serve our clients.
